Winners / Rachelle R
Rachelle R.
After finishing my 2nd challenge in a row, I am truly amazed by the results. Not only did I win the Plymouth, MN 60-Day Fall Challenge for weight loss, I was able to carry that success into the Holiday Challenge losing almost 40 pounds total.
I decided to enroll in the Challenge after deciding it was time to take care of me! I was taking care of others but not myself. I was not being a successful wife or mother because I was always tired with little energy and not feeling well. And as a mother of 8 kids, that is not a good place to be. I knew I had to make changes and I knew I needed help.
I met with a trainer for an initial consultation. It was here that the ground work began in helping me set and achieve my goals. The trainer had more confidence in me as I ended up surpassing that goal by 4 pounds! We also had to figure out why I wanted this. It was easy. I needed the energy to take care of my large family. After the setting the goal, he gave me the tools to reach the goals. We talked in-depth about water and protein consumption, healthy, clean eating, calorie tracking and the importance of strength training. We also talked about supplements to ensure the proper nutrients necessary for healthy weight loss.
This was all new to me. My workouts were smarter and more effective with the help of the trainers. I used both strength training and adding some HIIT on the treadmill. It was recommended that I take the Whey Protein All in One Shake. It seemed to quicken my recovery after a workout and left me feeling full so I could eat less. I also took the fish oil and Life Time’s multivitamin.
I must admit there were times that were difficult and I wanted to cave. One thing that really helped is my kids love the Life Time Academy and would beg me to bring them. The emails and Facebook posts were inspirational and informative.
I can’t stress enough the benefits I gained from this challenge. Ask my kids and husband about the impact on our lives. We are now eating healthier. My clothes were too small and uncomfortable and now they are too big. We are all now incorporating more exercise into our lives. We have dramatically cut down on screen time and got moving. This would not have happened without the help and encouragement of the staff at Life Time. I am not done yet but I know that I am on the right path and I know I can achieve the rest of my goals. Thank you to the LT staff for this gift of a healthy lifestyle!