Finalists / Jennette F.
Jennette F.
Pickerington, OH
Life is a journey full of choices which end results is the person you have let yourself become. Nurse, wife, mother of two very active children are some of the choices that I have made that have influenced how I have lived my life. I have spent my life caring for and nursing others back to health. Fitness has always been a part of my life in some form though, however its priority has wavered over the years.
I joined Life Time approximately five years ago after having my second child. My husband and I were sold due to the childcare that Life Time provided. That took away one of the hurdles I needed to overcome to make fitness a priority again. I was struggling with finding the time to work out now that I had two children that depended on me for everything. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror yet felt guilty for spending time away from my kids. During my on boarding session I remember the trainer telling me “making time for myself at the gym would help me be a better mom.” I wish I could say I listened the first time. I still struggled with the guilt of being away from the kids while at the gym especially when my son would cry those alligator tears when I dropped him off in the childcare center. I slowly got my feet wet trying the group fitness classes and sticking with cardio which is what I knew best. The weights and all the machines on the floor overwhelmed and terrified me all at the same. I met the perfect fit for me in May to help me overcome my fears, Andrew McGovern. He created a daily program for me to adhere to which incorporated everything I needed to be the best Me possible; strength training based around the physique goals I had for myself, metabolic condition based around the results from my AMA, nutrition and supplement coaching from the results of my RMA, as well as one on one training twice per week!
I would always see the signage and hear about the 60Day but it never sparked my interest. During a training session with Andrew he mentioned I should try it. I thought he was joking. Maybe because I thought it was for members just starting their fitness journey, or maybe I was nervous as to what this challenge might entail and if I would be successful at it? His response “you will learn so much about yourself.” After pondering it over, I thought why not and agreed. Next thing I knew Andrew signed me up so no backing out now. Andrew introduced me to the word “Grit” and challenged me to find my own Grit. During the 60Day my goals were to find my inner Grit, transform my physique into a leaner version, and educate myself on proper nutrition and supplementation.
During the 60Day I learned more than I ever imagined and couldn’t have done it without the Life Time community. The weekly motivational videos, healthy recipes, and in club support always got me back into the right Mindset to start the week and not give up. Working with Andrew during the 60Day is where I learned the most about myself, proper nutrition, and benefits of supplements. He has taught me proper form, how to obtain a strong mind-muscle connection, and all about nutrition, so I can get the most out of my workouts and see results I crave. Andrew was very knowledgeable, supportive, and dedicated to helping me achieve my fitness goals. He listened when I needed to vent, provided encouragement, and pushed me when I needed it. Andrew has taken my fitness to a whole new level, and in doing so I was able to go from 135.1 lbs and 21.5% body fat to 125.7 lbs 14.6% body fat while still growing 4 lbs of muscle in just 60 Days!
Trying to balance being a wife, both my kiddos extracurricular schedules and gym time was a struggle. Making a set time every day to workout helped me stay accountable. My kids have started to ask when are we going to the gym and are disappointed if it is not on the schedule for the day. Some of the changes I have made for myself my children have adapted by themselves. Pointing out what food is junk, looking for no GMO labels on foods and me finding them lifting free weights in the basement as well as expanding their vocabulary to include “cortisol”, thanks Andrew. They have even asked me a time or two to flex my guns.
It amazes me how much change you can cause by leading by example. After 60 days I can say I have officially found my Grit, and conquered my fear of weightlifting. The information I have absorbed about nutrition, strength training, and supplements will allow me to continue to grow my fitness level. The routines I have learned/adopted are now daily habits for myself and my family. Fitness has returned to the center of my life and I haven’t felt better. At the end of the journey I have found myself to be a happier, healthier, and stronger person that will prepare me for the challenges that wait around the corner, and whatever life may throw my way!