Winners / Matthew B

Matthew B.


New Year. New Start. New Me!

I joined Life Time back in the spring of 2016. I had just lost my job and I decided to invest some time in getting myself back into shape. I was over 200 lb, the heaviest I’ve ever been, and needed to make a change. During my intake consultation with Rachelle in Ajax, we talked about my goals and what it would take to achieve them. However, at that time, I don’t think I was ready to fully commit.

Then a terrible family tragedy in the summer further set back my progress. So when the fall 60-Day Challenge registration opened up in August, my wife and I both made a commitment to ourselves and each other to register and do whatever it took!

I had great success in the first Challenge, losing 16 pounds and over 7% loss in body fat. However, I felt like I still had more work to do. For the first time in my life I was enjoying my regular trips to the gym and was proud of my commitment to good eating habits rather than constantly lamenting all the foods I shouldn’t eat.

During the first Challenge in the Fall, I hadn’t taken advantage of any additional services at Life Time. This time I knew,if I wanted to continue my progress and step it up a notch, I would need some help. Ihab recommended a package with an Active Metabolic Assessment and a months’ worth of Life Time TEAM Fitness classes, which I decided to do.

The AMA was really eye opening. During the first Challenge, I had been following the 80 / 20 rule for my cardio program to try and stimulate increased fat loss. However, without the AMA, I was just following the default HR zones for my age. Despite my weight, my AMA showed me that I needed to step up my cardio intensity considerably! I not only learned what my personalized HR zones were, I got a full cardio program designed for me to promote fat burning and continue to improve my cardiovascular fitness.

TEAM Fitness classes were the perfect complement to my cardio routine. Although my cardio fitness was great, my muscular endurance was a weak point and Rachelle, my trainer, helped keep me accountable and committed to working at full intensity. I gave my training everything I had, every lesson. Not only did I get the support of the trainer Rachelle, you really do feel part of a team of other people all working together to achieve their goals and encourage one another.

The biggest lesson I have learned along the way is that it really does take more than just exercise to achieve your goals. The importance of monitoring your diet and eating the right foods to fuel your body is crucial. When I signed up back in August it was about going on a diet for 60 days and restricting myself temporarily. I don’t look at it like that anymore. Don’t get me wrong. I have more significant changes to my diet over the last 60 days than I would normally. But it’s no longer an all or nothing approach. Now that I am at goal weight and body fat, I am good with continuing my new lifestyle and allowing myself occasional treats like cake at a birthday party.

Everyone in my family can’t believe the change I have gone through. I have dropped from a 36″ to a 32″ waist and am literally in the best shape of my life. I am starting the new year with a new body, a new job and a whole new outlook on life!