Finalists / Levi B
Levi B.
77.61% change in body fat percent*
*Results not typical
First and foremost I hope everyone has had a great end to 2017 and enjoyed their holidays and hope 2018 is off to an awesome start.
I’d like to start off with a little background. I am 24 years old with a wife Lauren and 2 kids, Aiden 5 and Mason 3. With a very busy start to my adult life, fitness had no place on my to-do list. About 2 years ago, I weighed 220 lbs and my diet was whatever and whenever I wanted to eat. I couldn’t run a mile and hadn’t lifted any weights in over 4 years. I decided it was time to make a change, not only for myself, but also for my growing family. Not willing to give up time with my family, I found the only time that worked in my schedule was 4:30 am. I remember the first time I went to Life Time as a guest with one of my friends, I thought to myself this was nothing like any gym I’ve been in before. I knew I had to join after that first visit.
The first 60-Day I joined, I thought would be great for me because I’m very competitive and like to be challenged. After signing up, about 3 weeks later, I injured my wrist and gave up. Hate to admit that was the case. I still continued to train, but really didn’t have a clear goal or vision on what I wanted to accomplish. I started to fall back into my bad eating habits and put on some weight. Over all, I did not feel the best. One of my friends and coworkers mentioned that he was signing up for the Holiday 60-Day and asked if I was interested. I was a little hesitant at first, but went ahead and decided to go for it. He introduce me to his nutrition coach Jen, who gave me some really helpful tips and tricks to get me to my full potential. I was a little disappointed at my weigh-in that first weekend but it also helped motivate me. I hit it hard that first week and checked my progress and was surprised to see what I had accomplished after just one week. I went up to the PT desk and asked the trainer Whitney, how to check my progress on the 60-Day leaderboard. Her willingness to go out of her way to not just tell me, but also show me how to look up the history. She also gave me some help with new ideas for metabolic conditioning that I really wasn’t doing much of and it kicked my butt! Made a big impact on my results. I also tried an Alpha class and that was a nice change and I learned somethings that I implemented into my routine. I found myself really enjoying my training and having the ability to “do it all at my Life Time”. I did some cycling and swimming for some active recovery and relaxing and clearing my head in the sauna. The options are endless! I soon found myself not just lifting weights but doing cardio, swimming, cycling and feeling better than I ever have before. The tremendously helpful and very knowledgeable staff makes the experience that much better.
I soon found that the training, although difficult, was fun and exciting. I enjoyed waking up at 4:30 am every morning and giving 100% in the club. The hard part was finding balance in my busy life. It’s hard to balance such a long day at work and then still be able to have quality time with my family. I can’t thank them enough for the patience, understanding and support they have shown throughout this journey. Doing some cardio sessions with my boys a few nights a week was a fun way to turn up the intensity. They enjoyed turning the music up and doing some body weight workouts and cardio. It felt more like playtime than a workout! It was an easy way to keep all of our activity levels up while having fun. Just shows if you want fitness to be a part of your life, you can make it work if you want it bad enough. Plus it was a way to teach my kids that fitness can be fun.
During this Challenge I learned more about myself than I thought I would. I learned about life and how important it is to have balance and constant goals. It can be easy to lose that balance and it can throw off every aspect in life. Losing weight and taking my body farther than I ever have before is an amazing feeling but the life lessons I’ve learned on the journey are so much more valuable to me. It means more to me than any number on a scale. I would like to thank Life Time for helping me in my physical life by having everything you need to live a healthy lifestyle in one building. Their extremely knowledgeable, helpful and friendly staff makes the experience like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I’ve changed my life for the better every day by growing mentally and physically. This 60-Day Challenge has put me back on a balanced and healthy track to stay at my absolute best for myself and my family.