Finalists / Stephanie M
Stephanie M.
64.79% change in body fat percent*
*Results not typical
I’ve struggled with body image since my early teens. Society’s pressure, from Barbie dolls to Victoria’s Secret models, has such a negative impact on self-esteem and self-worth. Often times I was told, you look fine, you don’t need to change, stop obsessing. But I wanted to be more than fine. I hated the way I felt in my own skin. I was always worried about having a muffin top, clothes fitting too tightly and exposing my flaws, or people judging me. I constantly compared myself to others, magnifying my own faults, and wishing to be something that felt unattainable. Life struggles increased my feelings of inadequacy. I attempted SO many different diets, fads, pills, and harmful methods to lose weight. I thought anorexia was the answer. When I failed at that, I pursued bulemia. That’s how far I fell and how great the pressure was to be thin. As I got older, I realized that I didn’t just want to be thin, I wanted to be strong, fit, and healthy! I began truly dabbling in fitness in my mid-20s. Prior to joining Life Time, I had been an avid CrossFitter for nearly four years. I LOVED everything about it; the comradery, community, competition. I finally felt strong and healthy, but I was still not hitting my goals for body composition. I was frustrated but persistent!
This journey has not been without its ups and downs. I’ve had four major surgeries in the past year! When I felt I was making progress, I’d get knocked down again. I was disheartened, but I kept pushing to recover and pursue my goals. I’m naturally trim, but that doesn’t mean this experience has been easier. The closer I got, the more my body fought to hold onto extra weight. I had to push harder, to sweat more, and to be more disciplined. There were plenty of days that I wanted to give up. But, I didn’t come this far, only to have come this far. I didn’t get to where I am by sitting on the couch and wishing. I trained when I didn’t want to, I got up at 4AM so I could do fasted cardio, I made commitments and stuck to them! It’s true, 80% diet and 20% exercise. Tracking food intake is critical, and the outcome may surprise you. You can’t out-train a bad diet.
I am currently a stay-at-home-mom, have two children 2 & 5, and have been married for 13 years. My husband travels throughout the year, sometimes for weeks at a time. Fitness has been my outlet, escape, antidepressant, happy place, and something just for ME! I think it’s crucial for all mothers to have that one thing just for them, to maintain self-love and sanity! Staying on top of household duties and my children is exhausting, but being healthy and fit allows me to keep up! There are days where I’m just following my little ones around from one mess to another, serving others rather than myself, and holding it together when I feel defeated. My journey has been full of sacrifice, costing time, money, and commitment. I chose this path and I’m so grateful for the support of my family and friends. It helps that Life Time offers an outstanding Kids Academy childcare program that my children love and enjoy. Childcare for fitness is hard to find and not as commonly offered.
I can’t say enough how thankful I am to be a part of Life Time. Everyone is so amazing, knowledgeable, helpful, and insanely considerate and supportive. I would not be where I am today if I had not taken advantage of all that Life Time has to offer. The Life Time Core 3 method of training helped me to achieve goals. When I started this journey, I thought that I knew enough to do it myself; I was hesitant to ask for help but I knew I needed to face my fears and pride, and ask. That is when I met Curtis, my personal trainer. I signed up for the 60-Day and never looked back. I got a DXA scan, took both the RMA (Resting Metabolic Assessment) and AMA (Active Metabolic Assessment). I worked with my trainer 3-4 times per week and met for nutrition coaching once a week. I have learned SO much through this process and still have much to learn. I feel amazing and know that I am in the best shape of my life thanks to Life Time.
I’m fascinated to see how my body has responded to training, heavy weights, body weight, cardio, and diet. I will continue to train 5-6x per week with and without my trainer. I want to bulk up a little and define what I already have. Continuing to feel confident in my own skin is important and growing outside my comfort zone is an ongoing process. I will maintain a healthy diet with a few mini cheats to maintain my sanity and balance. I enjoy eating good food, feeding my body and fueling my mind with proper nutrition. I may even participate in an upcoming bikini competition!
I hope to have encouraged others by my journey! I’ve had quite a few strangers ask what I’ve done to get to where I am. I’m more than willing to share what knowledge I have, but most of the credit is due to the Life Time team!