Alexis G.
Pickerington, OH
Alexis’s Trainer
Personal Trainer | Personal Trainer-Digital
Weight Management
Endurance Coaching
Alexis’s Story
“Why am I doing this?” “What’s your why?”. Those were the 2 revolving questions I had in my mind from my Coach Paul R. I actually did the previous 60day Challenge with the thought of only wanting some general accountability. I decided to do it because I was one of many impacted by doing my classes online, less activity, no gym access and not adjusting to this new schedule. I can’t say it didn’t work because I remained level throughout the challenge and made some small progress. But I did so on my own and never took advantage of all the wonderful resources (in-club and online support, meal plans, etc).
Up until high school, I participated in many sports (various types of dances, soccer, basketball, track and etc) but I never fully committed to any of them. I was good enough at all of them and very promising in some of them. Halfway through high school, I was still yearning to find something to do after school that would keep me active. I wanted to be seen first for my strength, power, and my potential to become better. I decided to join Life Time and learn how to lift weights. I joined with my uncle who taught me the basics and I then began to work out on my own. I was stronger and started to see changes which only encouraged and motivated me to keep coming back for more. What I now realize is I was active, had a regimented schedule (better sleep and timing of meals), less of a workload, and etc. I was set up to succeed without knowing all the details outside of the workouts.
6 years later from first joining Life Time I am now finishing up my last semester of nursing school and still love every second of the physical challenge that weightlifting, yoga, roll and recovery, group fitness and Women’s Resistance Training (Coach Paul) provides me. This second go-round with 60day was the first time I’ve invested in Personal Training before. I knew the “why” there. Because I could see the benefits of what could be achieved from so many other spotlight clients from here in Pickerington. Seeing women nearly 30 years my senior down to my age having undeniable results and full lifestyle change and balance was inspiring. Then… I found my external WHYs. Of all the departments to work in, my residency is in Labor and Delivery. I now see life in one of its most delicate stages and I do think about what the outcome will be for all involved. I see many of my fellow students, coworkers, parents and family struggling with finding the balance in lifestyle, schedule, nutrition, and etc. I’m now carrying the same full class schedule, commuting, making time for the gym and on top of that full-time hours in residency. And I’m succeeding more than ever before.
Why? I want to set up a foundation in my 20’s to carry through into my 30’s and beyond. Why? To be a healthy example for my parents who are active but I’m now helping with nutrition tips. Why? Because I’ve seen the trends in declining health in my own family and now, because of the field I’m in and my lifestyle changes, I’m better equipped to help mi familia. Why? To be at my best for my patients and provide them with the best care that I can without my physical ability being a barrier. Why? To become an additional resource to my fellow colleagues to see the value of investing in myself and my health.
I’m now surrounded by other women with a shared vision in Women’s Resistance Training (Coach Paul). Funny enough… Many of them nurses. I can see how they’ve benefited from his coaching around their lifestyle and schedule. I’m so inspired by all of them. Grandmothers, mothers, business owners and beyond… incredible women. I found myself immediately welcomed in by all of the ladies. I felt a sense of belonging to a team again. But this time I would finish. And my coach saw my potential, held me to the standard, and helped me create a vision of creating my outcome. My drive to finish what I start, to commit to the vision and to not just participate but commit to succeed has only increased. I thought I had a newfound confidence in the beginning of my journey joining Life Time. I did… But the confidence I now have to: love myself, develop self and pour back out of myself in order to serve others is on a whole new level. All the compliments I’ve received about the “obvious” changes are flattering. But really, it’s made me more aware of the new platform I’ve created.
35 plus percentage of change, down plus 10 percent, losing 15 plus fat lbs and gaining 4 lbs of muscle. Overcoming the nagging aches and pains I used to have from utilizing improper form and now learning the value of whole nutrition (I love my Life Time Chocolate Whey), range of motion/stretching and beyond for proper recovery. And who would’ve thought that of all these things I’d be most proud of this: in these last few months of school before I move out on my own… Seeing my mother hang my results and recognition (from Coach Paul) on the fridge. Now that’s a “why”.