Vaughan, ON

As a LifeTime member for the past two years, I’ve had my ups and downs. I started off great with a PT trainer, all motivated and lost the weight I intended too. But of course, the fees for one on one PT’s sessions are not always convenient.
I struggled through winter of 2018 by putting on the weight that I had worked so hard to keep off. This of course was encouraged by stress in the workplace, moving to a new position and balancing family life with my husband, a 6 year old grade one student and a nineteen year old university student.
Working in a mental health hospital setting, the stress factor is usually at its peak. I have come to however have greater understanding and respect for these patients. Most days all it takes is simply a smile, kind words and time to listen to make a difference. There are however some days that you just need to be alone and tune everyone and everything out.
I have been surrounded by a lot of negativity when it comes to weight loss and stress management. There is just not enough time to do anything anymore it seems. But I have a different outlook on life.
As the last 60day had finished at my Life Time location, I noticed how the other members were changing. I thought to myself, this is exactly what I needed. I needed this encouragement and motivation. I needed a reason and the perfect challenge would arise that I would certainly accept.
As my birthday is coming up in August and turning 43, yes 43, I wanted to show myself as well as others around me that I can change as well as them, for the better and anything is possible. Age is just a number, not an excuse.
In May I signed up for this 60day. My goal was not one that was set high, it was one that I know I can accomplish. I started at 130.6 lbs and my body fat at 36.9%. My goal at this point was to decrease my body fat to 30%. Simple, right, no weight goals just lose 6% body fat. Because I stand only 5 feet, I felt that my weight was quite noticeable.
I signed up with Joseph K. whom is an amazing personal trainer and guide. He has been there all the time with whatever questions I have. He also encouraged me when I felt my lowest into getting back into the gym, the group training, classes etc. He made time for me and treats me like I matter. I started doing more classes which included, GTX CUT, ALPHA METCON and ALPHA STRONG. I also incorporated Zumba and Core on the side.
I started working on my cardio, lifting heavier weights, pushing and pulling tractor tires. Strengthening my core on those planks. Pushing myself at every class, giving 100% effort all times. I was slowly seeing results, by week 2 of the challenge I dropped to 128.8 lbs and my body fat at 35.6 %. This was good but I knew I am capable of more.
As I started to work harder on achieving my goal, I approached Joseph whom then introduced me to Andrew S. who then helped me with my biggest challenge of all, my nutrition. I knew this would be the secret to my challenge.
I worked with Andrew, although it was tough for my first week into making healthy choices and choosing the right foods not to mention the cutback on the dreaded enemy called carbs which was most definitely, my weak spot. Noticed I said WAS. Andrew not only spoke to me about now but he also went into my deep family history as to how I can make the change, knowing that there is diabetes, cholesterol and high bold pressure which I am so genetically inclined to get. He informed me on the right supplements, fibers, omegas and BCAA’s to buy that would help me achieve my goal as well help with my glucose intake. We sat, weighed and planned my weekly diet then booked my next reassessment date.
I worked hard, following my diet and doing my daily workouts. I started to get lots of compliments in and around the workplace. I was all positive. I have been asked to tell what my secret was. I simply said I have a great gym and would not give it up for anything less.
I looked at the mirror every day and love what I see. I have certainly remembered where the challenging and very stubborn areas were, and to see this melting away, put a big smile on my face. My energy level increased especially after a workout.
At home, my husband began to also notice me more and commented on how great I look. He as well was now encouraged to eat more healthy and making healthier food choices.
At the gym, my co-members also comment on how great I looked and strong I have become. I see eyes looking at me as they pass by. This made me feel like an inspiration and my self-esteem is greatly elevated. So looking forward to the boot camps and pool parties that are to come.
At my final weigh in I am currently at 123.8 lbs and body fat at 23.1%.
I cannot explain how satisfying these numbers are to watch, from then to now. A sure sense of accomplishment. Thank You, Life Time for giving me the opportunity to enroll in this 60day.