Westminster, CO

Stepheny’s Trainer

GTX Burn Coach
Stepheny’s Story
In my early youth, I was a healthy and happy child. I had no idea that my body was beginning to turn against itself before I was even 9 years old. By the time I was 10 doctors diagnosed me with the first of many autoimmune diseases I would be told I had. The autoimmune process creates inflammation. Over time the body reacts in different ways and often times people (like me) end up with multiple autoimmune diagnosees which, cause (and their cures cause) weight gain, chronic pain, fatigue and depression among many other life altering challenges. Doctors have had very little to offer that really helped.
The pain and powerlessness that comes from your own body attacking itself can be devastating. So, I learned about nutrition early on in life, but that didn’t save me from pain pulsing through my body every time my family tried to give me a light hug. I longed for a healthy life alongside my husband, children, sisters and parents.
This dream to live a long and healthy life is what motivated me to participate in the 60day. Yes, I have lost nearly 30 pounds during the 60day, but much greater obstacles than weight have been overcome.
Many days I pushed through the pain as I limped into the building. Adam greeted me with a smile (Thank you for all your joyful morning greetings!) and I wobbled over to the elevator to get up to the gym floor. I was exhausted before I even got to the treadmills. Then I had to muster the brain power to take part in Brenda ten Bosch’s GTX BURN class. Honestly, if it were not for Brenda’s beautiful soul and open arms, I would never have made it through those first weeks. There was so much I could not do. Yet, with Brenda’s support and encouragement, I participated to the best of my ability.
So many people have shared their stories with me: in the locker room, the sauna, the cafe, the pool and in class. You are all overcomers!! Each of you inspires me and you help me to SHOW-UP for myself! Thank You!
Professionally, I have helped people heal their minds through nutrition, yet I needed help that was beyond my ability. Then I met Brittney Schneider, the Nutrition Program Coordinator. Brittney’s knowledge in functional nutrition was indispensable. Her expertise and life experience motivated me to implement nutritional tweaks that supported my health goals. I told her that I trusted her more than my own doctors.
I often turn to DeAnna Olson in the cafe to help me meet the goals Brittney and I set together. DeAnna has a great working knowledge of LT proteins, allergies and sensitivities, which notoriously make many autoimmune diseases worse. Based on my needs that day she creates the perfect smoothie. Life Time protein drinks are now an essential part of every post workout morning.
Halfway through the 60day I hit a very discouraging day when I was testing with Jeremiah Martin, the metabolic coordinator. He was there for me! He taught me how to get the most out of all the energy I was investing in this journey and he gave me hope. He knew that I could create the change I was looking for and he helped me believe it.
Every day, often twice a day, I worked hard. I tried classes like Surrender, Root, Dance Jam (Thx Alex), studio Zumba, Pilates mat and reformers, Kettlebell as well as weightlifting with my sister.
(As a side note, please allow me to share something deeply personal with you.) When I tried the studio Zumba class, I had to hold back tears off and on the whole time: all the moves, even simple ones, felt impossible for me. I was faced with my lack of mobility. However, I was also aware of the things I could now do. Something deep shifted for me that day. Through my watery eyes welling up with disappointment in myself, I noticed my heart was rejoicing.
This increase in my mobility has amazed me. Exercise while taking steps toward optimal nutrition, has altered the trajectory of my life. Pain has decreased and I am STRONGER in multiple ways :-) I knew little about the amazing synergy of optimal nutrition and exercise together (apparently my doctors didn’t know either.)
Now I have a foundational daily practice of: GTX BURN with Brenda on M/W/F, Aqua Zumba with Barbara and Karina on T/TH, Saturday is a free workout day with whatever I need, and I use the sauna regularly. Everything I do is built around this 1-2hr, 6-days a week routine, and I love it! By the way, I happily take the stairs today.
Life Time is a way of life for me today. I have made friends here (both members and employees) and now it is also a family affair with my parents coming too. I have a long way to go, yet, life is forever changed in both subtle and not so subtle ways. My husband, who has always been my biggest supporter, is astonished at it all. My whole family is grateful that they can now support me with hugs because today, they no longer hurt. THANK YOU LIFE TIME for giving me the support I need to live a healthy life!