Week 3 Fall 2019
In-Club Class of the Week
Cardio with heart rate training makes your body burn fat more efficiently — which means your hard work will yield better results. Hop on the treadmill with us and learn the right way to do cardio.
Self-Care Tip of the Week
Spend 10 minutes in the sauna — twice
The sauna is one of the most underutilized places in the club – it helps remove toxins and other chemicals through our skin and via sweat by raising the body’s internal temperature to stimulate blood flow. Let this be your reminder to use it and often. Start with 10 minutes, and just rest, relax and breathe.
Meal Prep Tip of the Week
Know when to take shortcuts
If you’re in a pinch for time, consider pre-cut vegetables, pre-cut fruit or pre-cooked protein you can add to any recipes when prepping. These are a great, convenient option that will keep you on track with your goals and ensure you’re still set up for a successful week ahead.
Recipe of the Week
1 Serving | Calories 300 | Protein 9 | Carbs 42 | Fat 13 | Gluten-Free | Dairy-Free | Vegetarian | Vegan
Week 3 Meal Plans
Workout Tip of the Week
Combat soreness — don’t sit in it
Try doing some light movement to help relieve muscle soreness you may be experiencing. Activity will help increase circulation and speed up recovery of your muscles post-workout. Consider a short walk or bike ride.
Week 3 Workouts
Superset: In a superset, you will move directly from exercise 1 to exercise 2 without a break in between. After completing the superset (two exercises), you’ll rest for the prescribed time. Then repeat. Supersets are noted as “A1, A2”.
Coach Anika’s Tip of the Week
Mistakes are inevitable. It’s what you do when mistakes happen that will impact your success. Tune in as Coach Anika shares her tips on what to do when you go off-plan.